Talk:Call to you across the sky

From namaste
Revision as of 02:44, 15 March 2024 by 111-11 (talk | contribs) (Is this trip really necessary?)
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This is the encrypted redacted text. Below is the public key used to encrypt the redacted text. The reader should use this key to verify that the encrypted redacted text is same as the plain text. It is suggested that the reader go through the exercise in the event they do not have trust here.

The redacted text will be revealed later (not sure when, at the moment). This has been done to allow time and space for the reader to answer it out for themselves - what is that light at the end of the tunnel, what is it that they look forward to, what is one thing or idea or category they are striving towards - as the final sentence itself says says.


MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEArWWXVzOk8aW0hCQFQE0q LUomfyCp5Swn6vR0NRE2vQKWhHL1M+3KOk4qa1oRPzstwSb+s+Y6o6IQwzafnC6i WOI+fD+lj6TMTx1+biPKAzNhe5KigrpiHwWDWVXdw+ihUqCs2PKQ9XZUhAPrZxfe GEF1tsk/FZJTWUsgo+e8/hwWzf7JZP9Y9pvFjFGrMfsXDcdKkOecffworLpukxuF QGi22DVjCWMe6vVQMD5Ng0Aqt4CkAEEALjtQf2VgVqakv/rATE5TK2LDJLJIpR3N vx+t0YAnWjzmbRVrVrWG6kgn/GZMhX4VwUsABXA9U5UPRZ12+AMJ/SUqTLe0qDDt iQIDAQAB